Now Showing: The Most Incendiary Stage Production in Gaia!

When all the world's a stage and you're its leading act...

The Star of the Show

Genesis Rhapsodos has been setting the stage alight, both figuratively and literally, for many years. Known as one of the brightest stars in SOLDIER, Genesis is well-known for his penchant for getting the job done, but with his own signature flair.

The Scriptwriter

Name: Maxie
Age: Over 25
Pronouns: He/Him
Hi, I'm Maxie! I'm here to write and have fun, and I'm sure you are too! So here's a few little tips and guidelines so that we can all have fun and enjoy ourselves!RULES AND GENERAL INFO
- In general: MINORS DNI
- Given the nature of the Final Fantasy VII universe, there will be discussions of war, human experimentation and may other things that would fall under the 'dead dove, do not eat' category. It should be noted that Genesis is a war criminal, and I will not downplay this. Fire is also a key part of Genesis' character and who he is.
- Very very multiverse and crossover friendly!
- What Genesis tells your character may not be totally honest. He has an image to uphold, after all. And even when he appears at his most charming, it may all be a front!
- If you, the writer reading this (hey there, you're looking FABULOUS today might I say), know something about Genesis that your character realistically wouldn't know, don't let it get in the way of interactions. You're welcome to ask for clarification!
- I'm just an autistic dude. Replies will either be at the speed of WHOA or they may take time. You're welcome to politely nudge me if you think I've forgotten but please don't hound me! Replies are generally handled based on executive function. Some days I can write for ages, other days I can only manage banter.
- Shipping is a possibility, though don't force ships. Ships happen when they happen. No, Genesis will not suddenly change if a ship happens.
- My portrayal of Genesis is autistic, genderfluid and bisexual. Please respect this!
- These rules may be added to as and when I see fit. Please don't hesitate to ask questions if ever you need anything clarifying!


Ongoing Productions (Verses)

Image Credit: EquinoxSnxw (Twitter)

Pre Crisis Core Era
Genesis is at the height of his popularity as SOLDIER First Class, basking in the glory of his fame and enjoying an incredibly comfortable lifestyle. He's got a penchant for causing chaos and starting fires.
He's known to be something of a maverick.

Champion of Minerva Era
Following an incredibly rude awakening after being cured of his degradation, Genesis found himself in a world that had mostly forgotten him. Now charged with protecting the Planet at the cost of remembering
the atrocities he committed, he's trying to find a way to get himself ready to serve the Goddess Minerva as she demands.

Image Credit: getvalentined (Tumblr)

Alternate Timeline - Post CC
Waking up one month after the events of Crisis Core, Genesis wanted to get back at Shinra on his own terms for ruining his life. Returning to Midgar, he joins up with Avalanche and provides his knowledge as a former SOLDIER to help get back at the company that had ruined not only his life, but the lives of many others.

Alternate Timeline - Nibelheim Incident occurred but Genesis never took the degrading wound.
In this timeline, Genesis remained with SOLDIER since he never took the wound that catalysed his degradation, becoming the elite Crimson General after making a decisive charge at Fort Tamblin during the Wutai War. But after Sephiroth was lured to Nibelheim with the promise of finding out the truth of his parentage and going insane, Genesis found himself grieving the loss of his friend after being told that Sephiroth had merely died at Nibelheim. It was a grief that would eat away at him for the next four years, up until rumours came in that Sephiroth was alive and insane. Now Genesis wants to find out the truth behind the Nibelheim Incident and if the rumours of the silver madman are true, then he knows he has to be the one to put him down and give his friend the eternal rest he deserves.
(More information on this verse HERE)

Alternate Timeline - The core was never crisised in the first place!
General Genesis Rhapsodos is considered one the best in SOLDIER, and has one hell of a tenure. He played a key role in ending the Wutai War alongside his best friends and comrades-in-arms Sephiroth and Angeal, and lives the high life that many would be envious of. While he might have a little more refinement, being in his thirties now, he still has a hell of a maverick streak and has racked up many many more incident reports related to trash can fires!

( this is not an exhaustive list, more will be added! Crossovers are WELCOMED! )

Simple Biography

Name: Genesis Rhapsodos
Pronouns: He/They
Occupation: SOLDIER First Class
Address: Sector 8 topside, Midgar
Date of Birth: Autumn 1973
Sex: Often enough
Height: 5'8" (172.72cm)
Weight: 207.23lbs (94kg)
Eye colour: Mako-infused blue
Hometown: Banora, MideelSimple biography: Genesis left his hometown of Banora to seek fame and fortune in Midgar, signing on with SOLDIER to become a defender of the people. He lives in Sector 8 in Midgar.He enjoys the arts. Music, stage productions, poetry... he's known for being quite the purveyor of culture and the arts.Genesis is passionate about everything he does, and always gives it his all. He would much rather give 110%.Much of Genesis' time is spent ensuring that everything goes well for the queer population. They look out for the queer community in Midgar, and they're often seen at Pride parades and championing queer rights. They also take part in the drag community.Genesis is well-known for being very fashion forward when it comes to clothing and makeup. His looks are the envy of various fashion shows all around Midgar.Keep in touch with Genesis on social media HERE!


SURNAME: Rhapsodos
SUPERIOR OFFICER: Deusericus, Lazard (Director)
OFFICE LOCATION: 3069 (51st Floor)
DATE OF BIRTH: 31/10/1973 (31st OCTOBER 1973)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'8" (172.72cm)
WEIGHT: 207.23lbs (94kg)
EYE COLOUR: Mako-infused blue (originally hazel)
ADDRESS: Room 702, The Golden Complex, Loveless Avenue, Sector 8, Midgar


Minor infractions related to setting trash cans on fire. Employee has been given a written warning.Has been spoken to with regards to playing 'fireball dodgeball' with inferiors. Employee has been given a verbal and written warning.


STRENGTHS: Excellent attendance record. Mission reports are always completed to the highest quality and with meticulous detail. Mission performance is excellent. Always takes the initiative in missions, excellent leadership skills.WEAKNESSES: Sometimes refuses to follow orders. Does not always pay attention in meetings. Has submitted a few mission reports late. Has a habit of burning things.


Early proficiency shown in sword training. It is noted that Rhapsodos has had training in fencing prior to signing on with the company. Recommended to build on these foundations.Supervising First has noticed that Rhapsodos has a particular knack for materia, notably fire materia. Recommended for additional specialist training to continue with this.Supervising First has noted that Rhapsodos has been using both sword and materia in tandem as an effective means to dispatch enemies. Simulation training showed initial promise, followed up by exceptional performance on missions since.Secondary weapon specialisation in daggers undertaken as a backup to sword training.It has been noted that Rhapsodos does not like firearms. He has specifically requested to only undertake the absolutely necessary training for it to pass the SOLDIER exam.Since passing the SOLDIER exam, Rhapsodos has continued to excel in the use of both the sword and materia in tandem. The supervising First on his first mission as Third Class has noted that he has a particular ease and natural grace with fire materia.Recommended for rapid promotion to Second Class due to his exceptional performance on the field. Very focused on the mission at hand. Continual excellent performance with the blade, dagger and materia.Assessment of leadership qualities in preparation for promotion to First Class -- Rhapsodos passed with flying colours. He provided an excellent and engaging training session for a small group of cadets. His charisma is well-noted.Continual exceptional performance since achieving First Class. Excellent combat performance and leadership capabilities. Rhapsodos continues to be a charismatic example of leadership.

The following records have been redacted from the main Shinra record by the request of employee number 69177.Any attempt to reproduce, copy or otherwise redistribute these records is strictly prohibited and will result in disciplinary action being taken.Information contained within is not to be shared with parties who do not have the necessary clearance to access them.



Formal diagnosis of AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER redacted prior to SOLDIER exam at employee's request.Rhapsodos has stated that this diagnosis was made as a child but he has assured medical staff that this will not affect his performance in the exam and initiation.Following successful enhancement, Rhapsodos complained that 'everything was too loud' and 'there were too many lights'. Somewhat prone to violent outbursts and needed restraining. Advised to keep him under medical observation for one additional month alongside the recommended adjustment period for newly initiated SOLDIERs.Medical clearance completed after allotted time - Rhapsodos fully cleared for field work and continued training.

Five months after initial medical clearance - Rhapsodos was rushed back to HQ after a sudden collapse on a mission in the Northern Continent. He was found to be shaking, going in and out of consciousness and having heart palpitations which rapidly corrected after infusion of mako given. Cause yet unknown. Supervising First on that mission said that Rhapsodos was using fire materia to a high degree. Medical has recommended that Rhapsodos ration his materia usage and have an extra supply of ether on hand so this does not happen again. Case submitted for further analysis with R&D as no other SOLDIER has suffered a collapse following excessive materia usage.One month after - Rhapsodos rushed back to HQ after sudden collapse in Wutai, symptoms noted as the same as when he was rushed in one month prior. Corrected rapidly with mako infusion. When questioned about his collapse and medical's recommendations after regaining consciousness, Rhapsodos said that he had drunk several ethers after use of fire materia, but felt no better afterward. After cross-referencing this with R&D's findings, they suspect an unexpected fusion of fire materia with the mako in his bloodstream, and have recommended that Rhapsodos is provided with single-use mako syringes to be administered in the event of another collapse.

Cross-findings between R&D and medical cannot find an exact cause for why Rhapsodos' use of fire materia appears to be tied with the mako levels in his bloodstream when any other materia he uses are not, but it has been noted that his emotional state can result in fire magic being used accidentally. Medical recommends a course of CBT to help manage Rhapsodos' emotional state so as to prevent any unwanted fires. It has also been noted that the cause means that he is exceptionally proficient in all fire spells, far more than any other SOLDIER could ever hope to achieve. R&D will continue to investigate and find a cause to see if the results can be replicated in other SOLDIER personnel.

R&D investigated another unexpected collapse from Rhapsodos after he was found in the smouldering remains of an executive washroom, drifting in and out of consciousness and shaking. Symptoms are far more severe than prior collapses. Medical suspects this is due to the higher level of mako infusion. When questioned following recovery, Rhapsodos said he felt as if everything was spiralling out of control and he needed to retreat quickly before someone got hurt. He seemed very listless and unresponsive to questioning at first. Suspected to be related to prior redacted diagnosis.


➤ Several counts of small-scale arson on the SOLDIER floor caused by inappropriate usage of fire materia. Seems to be contained to trash cans for the most part.➤ Rhapsodos collapsed suddenly during a mission in the Northern Continent and was assessed by medical - found to be an unexpected depletion of blood mako levels. Cause unknown. Issued verbal warning following recovery.➤ One month after initial verbal warning, Rhapsodos collapsed again during a mission in Wutai. Suspected same cause as previous collapse - referred to R&D for followup. Refer to medical record for full details. No warning issued but referred to Director Deusericus for discussion on circumstances.➤ Several more counts of small-scale arson across the Shinra Building. Trash can fires and several office fires.➤ Executive washroom found completely burned down and Rhapsodos had collapsed in there. Suspected similar cause as to his previous collapses on missions. When questioned, Rhapsodos said this was not on purpose. Issued written warning and case referred to R&D for further analysis.➤ If I have to read 'Rhapsodos' and 'trash can fire' in another incident report I am going to lose the will to live - Lazard➤ Another written warning re trash can fires - Rhapsodos has agreed to take a seventy percent pay cut for one year to pay for the cost of adequately fireproofing his office. Director Deusericus hopes that this will help contain the fires to a degree since Rhapsodos will now have somewhere to start them without burning down the rest of the SOLDIER floor.➤ Rhapsodos found responsible for destruction of the virtual training room, along with several other SOLDIERs. Warnings issued. Despite Rhapsodos' apology he insists that he was doing the department 'a favour' by 'forcing us to upgrade the training suite'.➤ Future incident reports now contain a separate subsection for fire damage caused by Rhapsodos specifically.➤ There have been occasions where Rhapsodos has been a little combative with senior staff. While he does have some good ideas to put forward, he has been advised to pitch them in a less confrontational manner.

Co-Stars of the Stage

Every leading act needs good supporting co-stars, and Genesis is no exception! Here are his co-stars!The prerequisites to be added are just to have had some meaningful relations with Genesis in some way or another ^^Duplicates welcomed! All relationships are treated as separate entities unless there's agreement between all writing parties.

Select Venue:

Co-Stars of the Twitterverse

( Duplicates of characters are WELCOMED! )

Image Credit: COSMORDIAL (Twitter)

Rufus Shinra

Relationship: Colleagues / Romantic

More Info
It all began as regular Taco Tuesday meetups, but as time passed on, Genesis realised that he cared for Rufus more than he would ever come to realise. While at first Rufus was annoyed by Genesis' penchant for setting trash cans on fire, the two eventually found love in one another. Genesis will always take time to ensure that Rufus is looked after.

Vincent Valentine

Relationship: Romantic

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Genesis found himself intrigued by Vincent's mysterious personality, and after a few dates (along with some fashion advice, bless the man who hadn't had a wardrobe update in 30 years!), Genesis found himself falling more and more for him. He's even learned how to handle firearms better thanks to Vincent's training, and the two enjoy going to the gun range for a date.

Amos Quirinus

Handle: @tubarxo
Relationship: Colleagues / Antagonistic / Possibly one-sided romantic? / Adverserial / Neurodivergent bonding moments / idk how to describe it.

More Info
As the head of the PR department for Shinra, it's Amos' job to keep the public informed as to what Shinra wants them to know and maintain face. And unfortunately, Genesis makes that difficult. Amos is forever having to get Genesis to clean up his unhinged messes on social media or is constantly confronting him about his reckless behaviour. Yet, Genesis found an unlikely kinship in the man as they're both some flavour of neurodivergent. Still, for every calm and quiet moment they share, there are a hundred others where they're at each other's throats. And Genesis would not have it any other way.

Tiamatt Seirei

Handle: @TiamattSeirei
Relationship: Colleagues / Romantic

More Info
At first, Genesis considered Tia a valuable ally. But their true relationship began to blossom not long after Genesis drunkenly texted Tia saying that he'd kiss her, which led to her witnessing him at one of his lowest points. Yet... she supported him throughout it, never once looking back. For that, Genesis feels completely indebted to her. Now he wants to show her that tenderness and love do exist out there and that she absolutely deserves them after her horrific sheltering from within the Shinra labs.

Zack Fair

Handle: @Zxckism
Relationship: Colleagues / Platonic / Emotional Support Pup

More Info
While at first Zack's rambunctious antics might have annoyed Genesis, just the simple application of headpats sparked a close bond that meant that they became quite the dynamic duo. After a tense altercation involving a bottle of brandy and some snapping, Zack was able to comfort Genesis through a breakdown and they then became inseparable, with Zack declaring himself as Genesis' emotional support pup. They'll always be there for one another from now on!

Tifa Lockhart

Handle: @7HeavenSpecial
Relationship: Romantic

More Info
It was a bold move from Tifa that would spark a love that touched Genesis to his core. One day, Tifa had sat on his lap and was enjoying some attention, then a theatre date later found herself in the bard's sights. Genesis admires just how strong and beautiful she is, and always wants to make sure that she's well taken care of. Genesis knows that Tifa can hold her own out there, but he's always ready to stand by her side to defend her no matter what the cost may be.

Horse Man

Handle: @MaskedHorse1
Relationship: Romantic

More Info
Despite an incredibly rocky start to their relationship, Genesis never expected to find love in someone like Horse Man. Delightfully chaotic and unhinged, he found himself enamoured by the man in more ways than one. After several incredibly intense nights of passion and many shared kisses, Genesis was finally entrusted with seeing the man beneath the horse mask, and that only cemented his love for the man.

Samus Aran

Handle: @armoredlady
Relationship: Romantic / tall woman and short man dynamic go brrrrrr

More Info
Genesis was initially drawn to Samus for her love of setting things on fire. But over time, the more he learned about the interstellar bounty hunter, the more he wanted to be with her. He admires her strength, and he's happy to fight alongside her wherever the adventure takes them!

Image Credit: AveryTeleport (Twitter)


Handle: @DROPTH3BA55
Relationship: Platonic / Friends with benefits / Potential budding romance?

More Info
Genesis was initially drawn to Drop because of their style and love of music. The two also bonded well due to them both being autistic. They've spent time recording songs together and just enjoying one another's company, whether it's just hanging out with snacks, sharing fashion tips or recording a new song. They also aren't afraid to crack dirty jokes around one another! Lately though, Genesis has felt more of a pull towards them...

Diana Cascade

Handle: @MarketQueenBee
Relationship: Platonic / Besties

More Info
Genesis first met Diana at the Honey Bee Inn and the two hit it off right away. They're always catching up here and there to bitch about life and share a few drinks. What really cemented their bond was when Genesis offered to wear a honeybee outfit and put on a special show, and Diana helped him with hair and makeup for the occasion!

Aerith Gainsborough

Relationship: Platonic / Budding friendship

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Genesis first met Aerith after they were locked in a laboratory cell together. While it wasn't the best -place for an initial meeting, the two would soon find that they got on far better than they could have anticipated.


Relationship: Romantic / Slight rivalry

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Who would have thought that two individuals from opposing sides could form such a powerful bond? At first, the abrasiveness did irk Genesis, but after Biggs confronted him about how he truly felt, Genesis did have to admit that he liked the man a lot more than he realised, and so started an unlikely love that united two passionate individuals from wildly differing backgrounds.


Handle: @Jenovas_Descent
Relationship: Colleagues / Platonic

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Genesis and Sephiroth have been friends for a while. Most of the time they enjoy getting Shinrabucks coffee together.

Angeal Hewley

Handle: @WingedHonor
Relationship: Childhood Friends / Potential friends with benefits

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Angeal has always been at Genesis' side ever since they were kids in Banora. The two of them trailblazed through SOLDIER and remained fast friends throughout it. Lately though the two have become closer and Genesis most certainly doesn't mind.

Vivian (aka Knife)

Handle: @KnifeoftheTurks
Relationship: Colleagues / Platonic / Impromptu duet buddies

More Info
Despite the rivalry that exists between SOLDIER and the Turks, Genesis respects Vivian and her work and would go as far as to consider her a work buddy. When not deployed together on missions, the two can often be found sharing drinks or singing a duet together! But when they're on the job together, you can guarantee that that mission is getting completed no matter what.


Handle: @Sierra607Alpha
Relationship: Platonic / Fellow war veterans / Prankster duo

More Info
Genesis first met Sierra while he was looking for answers regarding a strange materia. The two found comradeship in the fact that both were veterans of war. However, Sierra revealed that he had actually been investigating Gaia before Genesis found him and was about to take down Shinra. Suspecting more to it, the two broke into the Drum and Genesis found out the deeply disturbing circumstances of his existence, but the Spartan had given him the resolve to not totally lose his way. He has since become an honorary Spartan and when the two of them aren't punting hedgehog pies, they're pranking one another. Even war veterans need fun!

Co-Stars of the Mastodon-verse

( Duplicates of characters are WELCOMED! )

Vivian (aka Knife)

Handle: @[email protected]
Relationship: Colleagues / Platonic / Impromptu duet buddies

More Info
Despite the rivalry that exists between SOLDIER and the Turks, Genesis respects Vivian and her work and would go as far as to consider her a work buddy. When not deployed together on missions, the two can often be found sharing drinks or singing a duet together! But when they're on the job together, you can guarantee that that mission is getting completed no matter what.

Tiamatt Seirei

Handle: @[email protected]
Relationship: Colleagues / Romantic

More Info
At first, Genesis considered Tia a valuable ally. But their true relationship began to blossom not long after Genesis drunkenly texted Tia saying that he'd kiss her, which led to her witnessing him at one of his lowest points. Yet... she supported him throughout it, never once looking back. For that, Genesis feels completely indebted to her. Now he wants to show her that tenderness and love do exist out there and that she absolutely deserves them after her horrific sheltering from within the Shinra labs.

Alina Devée

Handle: @[email protected]
Relationship: Platonic / Friends with benefits / Potentially more?

More Info
Genesis and Alina first met on an impromptu date, and a spark was lready lit despite them coming from wildly differing backgrounds. The two were drawn closer as they got to know one another, and have even shared a few nights of passion together. Genesis enjoys Alina's company and looks forward to every moment they spend together - after all, everyone knows what you get with two redheads in bed...

Relationships templates

Character Name

Handle: @---
Relationship: ---

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Character Name

Handle: @---
Relationship: ---

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Co-Stars of the Bluesky-verse

( Duplicates of characters are WELCOMED! )

Vivian (aka Knife)

Relationship: Colleagues / Platonic / Impromptu duet buddies

More Info
Despite the rivalry that exists between SOLDIER and the Turks, Genesis respects Vivian and her work and would go as far as to consider her a work buddy. When not deployed together on missions, the two can often be found sharing drinks or singing a duet together! But when they're on the job together, you can guarantee that that mission is getting completed no matter what.

Tiamatt Seirei

Relationship: Colleagues / Romantic

More Info
At first, Genesis considered Tia a valuable ally. But their true relationship began to blossom not long after Genesis drunkenly texted Tia saying that he'd kiss her, which led to her witnessing him at one of his lowest points. Yet... she supported him throughout it, never once looking back. For that, Genesis feels completely indebted to her. Now he wants to show her that tenderness and love do exist out there and that she absolutely deserves them after her horrific sheltering from within the Shinra labs.

Alina Devée

Relationship: Platonic / Friends with benefits / Potentially more?

More Info
Genesis and Alina first met on an impromptu date, and a spark was lready lit despite them coming from wildly differing backgrounds. The two were drawn closer as they got to know one another, and have even shared a few nights of passion together. Genesis enjoys Alina's company and looks forward to every moment they spend together - after all, everyone knows what you get with two redheads in bed...

Tifa Lockhart

Relationship: Romantic

More Info
It was a bold move from Tifa that would spark a love that touched Genesis to his core. One day, Tifa had sat on his lap and was enjoying some attention, then a theatre date later found herself in the bard's sights. Genesis admires just how strong and beautiful she is, and always wants to make sure that she's well taken care of. Genesis knows that Tifa can hold her own out there, but he's always ready to stand by her side to defend her no matter what the cost may be.

Amos Quirinus

Relationship: Colleagues / Antagonistic / Possibly one-sided romantic? / Adverserial / Neurodivergent bonding moments / idk how to describe it.

More Info
As the head of the PR department for Shinra, it's Amos' job to keep the public informed as to what Shinra wants them to know and maintain face. And unfortunately, Genesis makes that difficult. Amos is forever having to get Genesis to clean up his unhinged messes on social media or is constantly confronting him about his reckless behaviour. Yet, Genesis found an unlikely kinship in the man as they're both some flavour of neurodivergent. Still, for every calm and quiet moment they share, there are a hundred others where they're at each other's throats. And Genesis would not have it any other way.